Voice, Winds, and Piano

  • Student Recital
  • Mar 31, 2023 @ 8:00 P.M.

Curtis Institute of Music students perform over 100 free recitals during the semester, held on most Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. Admission requires advance registration and is complimentary.

Curtis will livestream Friday recitals on Facebook and YouTube at 8 p.m. during the season.

Please note: Performance programs are subject to last-minute changes and cancellations.


BACH Partita in G Minor, BWV 1013

Christopher Correa, oboe

SCHUMANN Adagio and Allegro, Op. 70

Jack Bryant, horn
Thomas Weaver, piano

BLOCH "Nigun," from Baal Shem (Three Pictures of Chassidic Life)

Michael Shaham, violin
Jungeun Kim, piano

RACHMANINOFF Études-tableaux, Op. 39

Adrian Zaragoza, piano

SCHUBERT Der Hirt auf dem Felsen, D. 965

Juliet Rand, soprano
Simon Bakos, clarinet
Ting Ting Wong, piano


Izaiah Cheeran, oboe
Anastasia Samsel, flute
Yangyang Ruan, piano

About the Performers

Christopher Correa, from Long Beach, Calif., a student of Katherine Needleman and Philippe Tondre, is the Gephart Family Fellow and entered Curtis in 2020.

Jack Bryant, from Atlanta, a student of Jeffrey Lang and Jennifer Montone, is the Arlene and Irving Tashlick Fellow and entered Curtis in 2019.

Michael Shaham, from Ra’’anana, Israel, a student of Shmuel Ashkenasi and Ida Kavafian, is the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation Fellow and entered Curtis in 2019.

Adrian Zaragoza, from Davis, Calif., a student of Michelle Cann, is the Hirsig Family Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.

Juliet Rand, from Southold, N.Y., a student of adjunct faculty member Sherry Overholt, is the Barbara Moskow Fellow and entered Curtis in 2021.

Simon Bakos, from Mason, Ohio, a student of Anthony McGill, is the Ruth and Eugene Helmer Fellow and entered Curtis in 2020.

Izaiah Cheeran, from Apple Valley, Minn., a student of Katherine Needleman and Philippe Tondre, is a Curtis Institute of Music Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.

Anastasia Samsel, from Guilford, Conn., a student of Jeffrey Khaner, is the Julius Baker Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.

Yangyang Ruan, from Xiamen, China, a student of Meng-Chieh Liu, is the Eileen Flissler Memorial Fellow and entered Curtis in 2017.

Ting Ting Wong, staff pianist

Thomas Weaver, faculty

Jungeun Kim, Director of Instrumental Accompaniment

Special Thanks

The Curtis Institute of Music received funding from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts.

The Edith L. and Robert Prostkoff Memorial Concert Series.

    • Date Mar 31, 2023
    • Time 8:00 P.M.
    • Location Curtis Institute of Music, Field Concert Hall