Sphinx Performance Academy at Curtis Summerfest begins
This weekend, we kicked off the first day of the Sphinx Performance Academy at Curtis Summerfest! Students moved in throughout the morning, a busy yet spirited process as they hugged their families goodbye, before bounding toward their friends and roommates. Some participants greeted old friends, while others excitedly met new colleagues for the first time.
After an outstanding masterclass given by violist Steve Tenenbom in the evening, staff and students alike gathered in Lenfest Hall’s fifth floor lounge for a lively round of introductions. The excitement and enthusiasm surrounding the start of the program was palpable in the air as they went around sharing their names, hometowns, and “unique” facts about themselves, which were met by laughter and applause by their peers.
All in all, it was a promising beginning to the second program of Summerfest’s 2018 season, and we are all excited to see what else is in store with these incredibly talented students!
—Mary Kim, Princeton Intern for Civic Service
Sphinx Performance Academy at Curtis Summerfest is generously supported, in part, by the Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation.