Guitar Studio Recital

  • Free, Student Recital
  • May 7, 2024 @ 4:30 P.M.

Curtis Institute of Music students perform over 100 free recitals during the school year, held on most Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. Admission requires advance registration and is complimentary.

Please note: Performance programs are subject to last-minute changes and cancellations.



Muxin Li, guitar

LANSKY Four's Company

Ruqi Jiang, guitar
Muxin Li, guitar
Radomir Romashkov-Danilov, guitar
Xingxing Yao, guitar

CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO Sonatina Canonica, Op. 196

Muxin Li, guitar
Xingxing Yao, guitar

PONCE Sonata No. 3

Xingxing Yao, guitar


Xingxing Yao, guitar
Sarah Palmer, harpsichord

SESSLER Shift and Riff

Ruqi Jiang, guitar
Muxin Li, guitar
Radomir Romashkov-Danilov, guitar
Xingxing Yao, guitar

About the Performers

Ruqi Jiang, from Wenzhou, China, a student of David Starobin and Jason Vieaux, is a Curtis Institute of Music Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023. 

Muxin Li, from Hangzhou, China, a student of David Starobin and Jason Vieaux, is a Curtis Institute of Music Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.  

Sarah Palmer, from New York City, a student of Alan Morrison, is the Stephanie Yen-Mun Liem Azar Fellow and entered Curtis in 2023.   

Radomir Romashkov-Danilov, from Garden City, Mich., a student of David Starobin and Jason Vieaux, is the Arthur and Hilda Stander Fellow and entered Curtis in 2022.   

Xingxing Yao, from Hangzhou, China, a student of David Starobin and Jason Vieaux, is the Emilio Gravagno Fellow and entered Curtis in 2020. 

    • Date May 7, 2024
    • Time 4:30 P.M.
    • Location Curtis Institute of Music, Field Concert Hall