Broadcast: Music of Change

  • Broadcast
  • Aug 4, 2022 @ 7:00 P.M.

Our Digital Broadcast series features artists from all facets of Curtis, from student-musicians on stage for the first time to experienced faculty exploring the furthest edges of classical music.



Xingxing Yao, guitar 

RHIANNON GIDDENS At the Purchaser’s Option

Matthew Hakkarainen, violin
Jinyoung Yoon, violin
Beatrice Chen, viola
Eunae Jin, cello

GEORGE CRUMB Kronos-Kryptos

Hamza Able, percussion
Griffin Harrison, percussion
Yoonseo Kang, percussion
Tae McLoughlin, percussion
Andrew Malonis, percussion

ALEXIS LAMB & CAMILLA TASSI Tell Me What Democracy Looks Like

Anastasiia Sidorova, mezzo-soprano
Julin Cheung, flute
Yejin Ahn, clarinet
I-hao Cheng, violin
Eunae Jin, cello
Élias Ackerley, piano
Griffin Harrison, percussion
Jacob Niemann, conductor

Special Thanks

The Edith L. and Robert Prostkoff Memorial Concert Series. The Curtis Institute of Music receives funding from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, a state agency funded by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the National Endowment for the Arts.

    • Date Aug 4, 2022
    • Time 7:00 P.M.