
Viola & Double Bass Duo

Elizabeth Younan


Litany was commissioned by the Curtis Institute of Music for the Free Library of Philadelphia’s “One Book, One Philadelphia” kick off event, featuring Jesmyn Ward’s novel, Sing Unburied, Sin. Composed for double bass and viola, Younan was inspired by a chapter of Ward’s book. Williams Karns, on double bass, played incredibly high and beautiful harmonics against the resonant double stops of Kathryn Epperson’s viola — evoking the whirring of life and death, superstition and realism, and the strangeness of people in all their incarnations.


Elizabeth Younan Litany
  Commissioning Year
January 16, 2019
Parkway Central Library, Philadelphia, PA
  Recording Excerpt
January 16, 2019
Parkway Central Library, Philadelphia, PA


  • Elizabeth Younan Composition

    Elizabeth Younan is a composer from Sydney. She was the first Australian composer in history to be accepted into the composition department at Curtis. Elizabeth is currently pursuing her DMA at The Juilliard School. Upcoming performances include a world premiere at the Sydney Opera House with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.

  • Kathryn Epperson Viola
  • William Karns Double Bass

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